The colouring of the two drawing above was the first time that i use using graphic marker. As a beginner of using graphic marker iam quite satisfied even tho it look messy.

This drawing is created 18th  October 2019
This is my second attempt on colouring using Graphic marker. Well iam getting use to it.
This Drawing also created on 18th October 2019.
This is the 3rd attempt of colouring using Graphic marker. This drawing is drawn for my friend's birthday as a gift.
This drawing is created on 19th October 2019.
This drawing is requested by my friends. I accept her request is for me to practice my colouring skills using Graphic Marker.
This drawing is created on 20th October 2019
This drawing is also requested by my friends.
This drawing is created on 9th November 2019
Art Comission


Art Comission
