Jack Gilbride's profile

Asytes: Winterkin (Jam Game)

Asytes: Winterkin
This project was created in Unity 2019 with C# scripting, I did NOT create the models or music. The gameplay makes use of an edited Unity FPSController and the Unity A* Pathfinding Project was used for enemy movement. Aside from that everything was created from scratch during the jam.
Created in 2 days for MiniJam 42 - Limited to only use two colours at any time.

You're the Winterkin, a prophesied warrior who's fate is to return winter to the land of Asytes. To do this you will need to destroy the four Avatars of Winter, good luck hero!

Created with Unity 2019.2.9f1

I will most likely keep updating this project as I enjoyed making it and playing around with a few new shaders etc. so if anyone has features they would like to be added feel free to suggest them!

- Vindsvept for the absolutely incredible music (Direct link to the song)

Please note the usage of third-party music or assets in no way indicates their endorsement of me or this  game.

Asytes: Winterkin (Jam Game)

Asytes: Winterkin (Jam Game)


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