Profilo di Sussex Product Design

Freehive, a custom beehive by Michaela Jia

By Michaela Jia - Class of 2019

Freehive is an affordable approach to customise the traditional Langstroth hives. It improves the health of bees and the ease-of-use of beehive.


Michaela researched beekeeping practices. She also worked with Dr Alton, Mr Scandia and the other professionals in The Laboratory of Apiculture and Social Insects (LASI) at the University of Sussex. She identified XX issues that could be improved through design - beekeepers can choose those the most relevant to them. Let's take a look at some of these proposed improvements.
The roof of Langstroth beehives is flat and does not evacuate the rain well. Michaela redesigned the roof and added some space for storing tools.
Beekeepers often check the inside of honey boxes. However, they are heavy - and many. This can be improved by inserting lateral windows, that can be closed off, as well as a system to temporarily add handles on each box side.
Beekeepers regularly check on the bees health in the bottom brood box. This usually requires heavy lifting. Michaela proposes adding a simple structure around the broodbox, along with rails, enabling to slide it in and out. Bonus, a hanger can be added on the side to hang frames during beehives inspections.
Bees have predators, who may invade the brood box. This bottom board, enabling to rapidly identify the presence of predators, helps preserving the health of the bee colony.
Michaela pursues her studies at Brunel University.
Freehive, a custom beehive by Michaela Jia

Freehive, a custom beehive by Michaela Jia

Freehive is a toolkit enabling beekeepers to improve their bees' health and to simplify a number of beekeeping tasks.
