The Coffee Soldiers

 THE COFFEE SOLDIERS ROASTING COMPANY is a large domestic coffee roaster company that has been successfully operating under the name Modena Coffee for more than ten years. Past experience has made it clear that the old brand doesn't  meet the demands of the market and the vision of the owners for business development. We developed a complete rebranding of the company, including the development of positioning, naming and identity. The ultimate goal of the developed brand “The Coffee Soldiers Roasting Company” is to change russian coffee culture and create an expert community around the brand based on drive, research and the desire to experiment.

The direct meaning of the brand name “the coffee soldiers” is the name of the sprouts of coffee trees on plantations around the world until they are planted in permanent soil. The figurative meaning of “the coffee soldiers” is the purposeful heroes of the national coffee market, “fighters” who seek to make a personal contribution to the development of the industry. The developed identity was supposed to remove a serious militaristic connotation from the brand. Therefore, the basis of visual communication is the third semantic component of the brand - Street Art. Modern street culture has been chosen as the driving force of all art. Street Art – a metaphor of the "capturing" of the territory, the emotional freedom of the artist and self-expression.

The logo is a complex of the company name. The logo is an interpretation of the symbol of the “tag” – a small sticker by which street artists “sign” works and “mark out” the public space, as if appropriating, “capturing” it. The developed identity conveys the idea of “capturing” the territory of the coffee market, the development and growth of coffee culture, the company and the franchise network.

Art director Fedor Polyakov
Creative writing Anastasia Akimenko
Designer Ekaterina Chetverikova

Great thanks to The Coffee Soldiers Team
Photos are made by The Coffee Soldiers Team

Manager Alexey Sudakov
The Coffee Soldiers

The Coffee Soldiers

THE COFFEE SOLDIERS ROASTING COMPANY is a large domestic coffee roaster company that has been successfully operating under the name Modena Coffe Read More
