I took a sculpting course in college. Working with clay is one of the main types of art I suggest anyone try if they get the chance. I go years between working with clay but whenever I return to the medium am reminded of how cathartic and enriching and experience it is to mold a lump of earth into something else. 

Here are some examples of past work created around 2007-2008 after having taken some time off from working with the medium.

This one is about over a foot long. It was a test for the plan of eventually placing it in a shallow container with water so simulate the effect of a Hippo peeking out of the water.
Was a lot of fun creating this hippo. Hand molded the general shape from the bottom up using some pictures from the internet. Then used tools to shape and detail it. It's a versatile medium versus working with something denser like wood or marble where you take a block or shape and whittle, chip and otherwise work down to the desired piece.

There is also a forgiving nature in that one can add more clay to parts as desired and adjust the piece before while still working with wet clay.

Some smileys base on emoji. After initial sculpting the clay is dried. Once this is done it is fired into earthenware. At that point it can be used as is, painted and otherwise decorated and or glazed for another firing.
Relief sculpture based on a digital illustration.
Some faces
Sculpt a face, fire the face, sketch the face.
Trying out some chimera. Rhino and Hippopotamus. Crocodile and Water Buffalo.
Sculpting With Clay

Sculpting With Clay

