Profil appartenant à Rohit Mohan

OLA topical posts

Gandhi Jayanti Creative.
Concept : ​​​​​​​Gandhi Jayanti is an event celebrated in India to mark the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi road or MG road is one of the most used road names in India; there are M G Roads in almost all the districts so is Ola. Taking this insight forward we connected the major cities of India with Ola and formed a charkha with a core message of uniting the nation.
Pride Month Creative
Concept : ​​​​​​​Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honour the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. So using this insight, we made a creative of the fleet of Ola forming the pride colors. The cars where of different models to show the unity among the people and diversity among their characters.
Diwali Creative
Concept : Diwali is a  festival symbolised by lights and celebration. The cornerstone of this festival however is unity, with the coming together of families and friends. This is so they can bond and reconnect over food, presents and other festivities. Most importantly, to express their appreciation for being part of each other’s lives. Ola connects people by covering the distances they need to go so they can be part of the union.
OLA topical posts
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OLA topical posts

Ola cabs, social media posts, gandhi jayanti, pride day, diwali, Motion graphics, Animated

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