Yuda Langgeng 님의 프로필

Hugness.co - Simple t-shirt design ideas

HUGNESS.CO Collection 
SImple T-Shirt Ideas
1. 3 Color Stripe T-Shirt Ideas
*a combination of 3 colors (yellow, white, blue) with a combination of text in the middle of the object, combined with a dark background adds to the aesthetics of the shirt.
2. Mural & Pop Art Style T-Shirt Ideas​​​​​​​
*a little distance between the white block and the main design, the main design has more place to appear.
3. Nobody Cares Work Harder T-Shirt Ideas​​​​​​​
*combination of red and dark green in a box, with a white shirt background.
4. Nobody Cares Work Harder - Gold Version T-Shirt Ideas
* the use of typography combined with arm icons further adds to the impression of masculine and the color of gold has a luxurious and premium meaning.
5. Team Pudsey Bear T-Shirt Ideas
*Pudsey Bear icon with a predominance of yellow on the face and colorful in other parts, looks more beautiful when combined on a dark background.

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Hugness.co - Simple t-shirt design ideas

Hugness.co - Simple t-shirt design ideas

Simple T-shirt design ideas for your project, hopefully can inspire.
