Essays and More for you
When they ask to write an essay in any of the subjects of the university, there are many who do not know where to start. Although this is one of the most requested methods in university life and its term is also associated with flexibility, freedom of thought and opinion, when writing a job with these characteristics, a series of requirements must be met that a large number of students are unaware.
What is an essay?
It is a personal interpretation on a specific topic. Its main objective is to convince the reader about the critical evaluation carried out by the editor. For the teacher, it is the best tool to assess the understanding of specific ideas of their students and the ability they have to develop and argue.
This type of writing uses a formal tone, sarcasm, humor or colloquial vocabulary should be avoided at all costs. And its quality is judged based on three criteria:
To provide relevant content
< >An organized argumentCorrect use of language.
Here are 5 tips to do your essays correctly:
Respect the structure: the main thing is to know the structure of the tests. It is divided into:
Introduction: The objective of the introduction is to captivate the reader. This should be short, give a hint of the subject and capture the attention of anyone who reads it. You can also put a background on the subject or thoughts of the reader about what is being talked about.
Development: This has been the body of the essay. In this section a debate begins, where arguments, possible objections and everything that supports the hypothesis can be developed. You can also help yourself with quotes, sources and references.
Conclusion: The essay ends here. Once the debate has been clarified with different arguments, the reader wishes to know what the conclusion or final resolution of the subject means. In the same way the argumentative lines can be recapitulated. It is important to make the reader feel that it was worth the effort to read our essay.
Plan your research: Once you have the subject assigned it is time to investigate. The broader your knowledge, the more information you will have to develop your arguments. You can help yourself by looking for books on the subject, visiting web pages related to your essay, such as site, attending discussion groups or meeting with people who can give you light on the subject. So you can draw your own conclusions and compare it with that of others.
Ess ay and draft: Order your ideas and plan your texts. There are many strategies to do it, you can implement several of them and choose the one that works best for you. The objective is that you elaborate formats prior to the final writing and in this way you will be able to rank the writing better. Write, review and polish again, if the test has several previous drafts it will be more consistent and effective than if you don't have them.
Choose the best title: This is the first thing your teacher or readers will see, however, it is the last thing you should write, since in the end it is when your mind will be more organized and clear about the topic you are developing. The title must be credible, easy to understand and related to the subject you write. You can help yourself by listing at least 10 titles that condense your essay, test it with friends and family and then choose the best one.
Review your essay: Upon completion you should not review it immediately. The idea is to wait a while, for your mind to clear and then give it a final check. You should never submit an essay without having reviewed or edited it before, this will increase the chances that you have errors and that the subject is not explained specifically. Any doubt you have this is the time to consult with the dictionary.
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