For the past few years I have been inspired everytime I saw an underwater shot and have always wanted to explore it myself. Working with a fashion designer Mandy Heng we decided to give it a go but winter had fallen on us by the time equipment had arrived. The next season was a busy time and with the pool out of commission due to filter/heating problems and a leaky housing it was put off another year. This year after a scuba diving trip at the Great Barrier Reef my inspiration and determination to get this project off the ground was at an all time high.
We used our swimming pool with a plastic black background and have created my own rig using an Ewa-Marine SLR housing, GoPros and some aluminum extrusions to create a frame and flash extension arm.
I found models interested in participating in my project through Facebook, Model Mayhem and StarNow.
This project has proven to be a great challenge that I enjoyed. There were many aspects in every shoot where things did go wrong and that created a massive learning curve but in the end I was able to create some great images. Winter is here again and will use what I have learned so far for a second round at this project once the warmer weather returns.
I hope you enjoy my work so far
Underwater Project

Underwater Project

My project experimenting in creative underwater photography for 2013 which I hope to continue on once summer is upon us again. These are the firs Mehr anzeigen
