How to block calls and messages in iOS 13

Nowadays, with technological development, it seems that we all have to be available 24 hours a day 365 days a year for everyone. However, they may be one of those weirdos who like to preserve certain anonymity and some personal space for oneself. If you are one of those individuals, from AppleForCast we will teach you to block calls and messages in iOS 13.
Currently, we can block senders in iMessage, but in iOS 13 we will have two new ways to keep technics away from our lives.
Block mail contacts
In iOS 13, blocking email contacts works the same as in iMessage. How to block calls in iOS 13. We must go to Settings> Mail and activate the Ignore blocked senders option.

Then we must access the lower Blocked option, to add those people from whom we do not want to receive an email. Block calls and messages in iOS 13 .However, this form of the blockade can cause problems, since we must have the contact created in our agenda to block it.
iOS 13 will include the option to block calls and messages quickly and easily
Therefore, there is another way to block mail senders and it is directly through a received mail. How to block messages in iOS 13 Clicking on the email address, we will be given the option to Block this contact. We will never receive your emails, at least through Mail.
ios 13

ios 13


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