Benjamin Bardou 的個人檔案

Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost

Everything not saved will be lost.

« It was in this bookstore, after all, that I had found this book that made me think a lot: The Eternal Return of the same. On every page, I thought to myself: if we could relive at the same time, in the same places and under the same circumstances what we had already experienced, but live it much better than the first time, without the mistakes, the snags and the dead times... it would be like copying a manuscript covered in erasures... »

P. Modiano

« Perhaps all these crossed people continue to live in a kind of parallel world, protected from time, with their old faces. » 

P. Modiano

Panopticorp™, OmniEye™, Mindscape™, RenderLands™...

So many different names to define the main activity of Megalopolis' major conglomerates: the Simulation.

Already in its infancy at the end of the 20th century, Artificial Imagination has become omniscient through the compulsion of all the data and traces left by humanity.

Coupled with an advanced imaging system and tremendous computing power, AI perfectly recreates what we might call the sensations of reality: the details of a street, the attitude of a crowd or the imperfection of a face.

Simulation societies have therefore naturally proposed a variety of diverse experiences to satisfy both the desires and perversities of men.


Benjamin Bardou
Simon James French  The Cloud Nocturnes (Movement II)
Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost

Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost

Megalopolis is a project about memories, dreams and cities.
