Nike Winners Stay 2014, DXB
Leading up to the 2014 Brazil World Cup, a Football experience was designed within Burj Park, in downtown Dubai. With the tallest building in world serving as a backdrop, the design entailed two important parts.

The first part, The Village, was inspired by informal Favelas and made up by modular scaffolding, filled in with diverse materials. Within, were areas, showcasing new and diverse product experiences, concessions and general athlete/fan hang out areas.

The second part, The Arena, was where eight teams made up of the UAE’s most talented street football players took to the specially designed football field. Detailed to maximize speed and tempo of the game in a Winners Stays format, the arena was an indoor football pitch format but outside. Each of the teams was held around the pitch in cages, with their fans cheering them on from above. 

Done at 2x4 Madrid with Lucia Acedo, Natalie Pickert, Ainhoa Martin.

Ole Westermann / Christian Helmut Hasselbusch

Nike Winners Stay: Event

Nike Winners Stay: Event
