Profiel van Vivian Dehning

BRASILIA No.6 — »On Doing and Not Doing«

BRASILIA Magazine No.6 — »On Doing and Not Doing«

There is chaos on the roads of our brave new world. Ideas, inspirations, opportunities roar past on all sides. Anything is possible; everyone is doing something. But what exactly? In the sixth edition of Brasilia Magazine, designers set out on a quest for meaning. Lena Dierkhüse discovered that Tinder may not lead to a great love, but can help you swipe away the need to make a decision. Jens Mahlstedt knows that anyone who does anything always does it wrong anyway. Karen Fromm shows us that photographic truths are increasingly called into question and advises us to form our own opinions from the diversity of possible information sources. Walter Hellmann and Franz Deckert tell us why traditional trades and solid specialized knowledge are indispensable. On the statistical level, Katharina Krämer has collected 10,000 things in her life. She wonders whether she can now release herself from this responsibility, while Katrin Brümmer explains how the power of objects can be used for the meaningful design of public space. And so we drive along on the Autobahn of endless possibilities, looking right and left, up and down. With a bit of luck we see lakes to the left and castles to the right. Creative inspiration and answers to questions both old and new can be found everywhere. Then why not try looking within? This is the seat of imagination, creativity and inventiveness. One thing is clear: you can’t do nothing!

BRASILIA is a monothematic magazine made by design students at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hanover.

Shortlistet for »Student Magazine of the Year« at Stack Awards 2019.

German / English
285 x 220 mm
136 pages
ISBN 978 393 201 196 2

Get your copy at Slanted!

Get your copy at Slanted!

BRASILIA No.6 — »On Doing and Not Doing«

BRASILIA No.6 — »On Doing and Not Doing«
