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2019 Trends That’ll Change the World of Web Design

2019 Trends That’ll Change the World of Web Design
Now that we’re well into 2019, let’s talk about what has changed in web design this year. Every new year brings new digital trends that transform the way businesses deliver their brand to their viewers. The ever-changing IT industry is always looking for different opportunities to engage viewers and enhance user experience. While creative web design is nothing new, industry standards and user behavior are constantly changing. Let’s take a closer look at web design in Vancouver for 2019.

What Changes Can Be Expected in Web Development Technologies?
When it comes to technology changes, the world of web design has already seen quite a difference in 2019. Web development companies have quickly adopted new technologies like blockchain, augmented reality, and virtual reality. There has even been a rise in user behavior tracking. This allows businesses to more effectively target their audience and meet the demands of their users.

While the majority of changes will be seen by your viewers in the context of design, programmers can expect to see changes in code and programming language. Most websites use PHP and this year’s release of PHP 7 has already revolutionized the web development industry. With the rise of progressive web apps, we can also expect to see a change in the way CSS, JavaScript, and HTML are used.

Adaptability and increased security are not new industry standards in 2019, but we can expect to see the need to meet these requirements continue to rise. As more and more users rely on their mobile device, adaptive and scalable apps and websites will continue to grow in necessity. The SSL certificate requirement emerged in July 2018 for businesses wanting to rank well in the search engine results. We can expect Google standards to stress that requirement even more as we move through 2019.

WordPress is one of the most commonly used website development platforms. In 2019, WordPress updated to the use of Gutenberg as its latest editor. Gutenberg allows editors to easily build responsive pages. In addition to a new theme, developers will also be able to use JSON to upload language files.
2019 Trends in Web Design in Vancouver
When it comes to the front end look of your website, there are several design changes you can expect in 2019. These include:
The rise of one-page websites
The introduction of new fonts focused on typography
Broken grid and asymmetrical layouts
The shift from straight lines and flat design to more fluid and organic designs and elements
Experimentation with nostalgia and retro design aesthetics
More enhanced and elevated image treatment so graphics will really pop
The absence of color or use of less color
Large navigations
An increased focus on the use of white space
Non-traditional scrolling
Rotating animations
Interactive design encouraging user engagement
User experience driven diagonal lines
Scroll-triggered animations
Large, attention-grabbing titles
Detailed footers

How Has User Behavior Changed?
Another important point to consider when discussing new web design trends in 2019 is user behavior. As new technologies emerge, you can expect to see a drastic change in user behavior. The emergence of mobile technology marked the shift towards the necessity of responsive design if businesses wanted to meet Google standards. Just as mobile technology has changed the IT industry in the past, we can expect AI and VR to change the IT industry in 2019 and beyond.

The introduction of artificial intelligence and virtual reality has already changed the way websites and apps work. As users demand an increased focus on the customer experience, businesses will need to keep up with the changes in user expectations.

Since we can now use big data to predict user behavior and create custom shopping experiences, your users will expect an easier customer experience that requires less work on their end while delivering more. When it comes to web design in Vancouver, and across the world, you should focus on upping your game with a more personalized online experience targeted towards each customer.

For more information on how your business can take advantage of the web design trends of 2019, contact a member of the BragDeal Inc. team

2019 Trends That’ll Change the World of Web Design

2019 Trends That’ll Change the World of Web Design


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