Profil appartenant à Alex Alvarez

Transformers TCG - Energon Edition

Transformers Trading Card Game
Energon Edition 
I was given the opportunity to design the Energon Edition card frames during my employment at Wizards of the Coast. It was an interesting challenge that aimed to highlight beautiful character art and take advantage of a new transparent substrate that would ultimately provide our fans with durable and striking characters to add to their Transformers team.
My direct contributions
- Print production for packaging
- Card frame design 
- Card frame Prototyping
- Card automation tools
- Card typesetting
Packaging Art Director and Designer: Shanna Duncan
Transformers TCG - Energon Edition
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Transformers TCG - Energon Edition

Trading card frame designs for the Transformers Trading Card Game, Wizards of the Coast, and Hasbro. Design - Brittanie Campos Art Direction - S Lire la suite

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