Christopher Yin's profile

The Cat In The Hat narrated by Justin Bieber

Under the employment of Thomson Reuters, Christopher Yin custom designed and animated an interactive flash microsite for Yum Brands. This included a fully animated rendition of The Cat in the Hat with a coriagraphed narration by Justin Bieber for the entertainmen of Pizza Hut's, BookIT Reading program. This was distributed nationally by all enrolled schools accross America. Resulting in a over 500,000 unique views.
Along with the animated short, this interactive player containd an interactive book. Parents, teachers, and children could read along with Justin Bieber as if they had a real book right infront of them.
The Cat In The Hat narrated by Justin Bieber


The Cat In The Hat narrated by Justin Bieber

A narrated and animated version of the popular Dr Seuss Short Story. Produced every aspect of this video, bringing over 500,000 total views. Prod Read More
