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10 Web Design Trends In 2019 - 2020

Prevalence of e-commerce on Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: -

Just like in any other part of the world, e-commerce is extremely prevalent in the market of Saudi Arabia. Businesses today must have their websites in order to effectively tap the target market. People find it convenient to scroll through a business’s offerings online rather than go to the retail store. They can easily do window shopping and carry out the research necessary to evaluate alternatives before they make the purchase decision. Especially during annual sales, people prefer to shop online rather than bump into frenzied crowd for getting the most out of sales. As much as it is important to spend on the interior and exterior of the retail outlets, businesses must pay careful attention to the web design as well. They need to make sure they are up to date with the latest trends and consumer preferences when it comes to web designs. Here are top 10 web design trends in 2019 - 2020 in Saudi Arabia: -

10 web design trends in 2019 -2020  in Saudi Arabia: -
Geometric designs: -

It is very important to make your website catchy especially if you are thriving in the Saudi Arabian market where people have a taste and appeal for aesthetics. Geometric shapes and patterns, interesting use of lines and circles while disseminating important information on the web page is a top trend in web designs in Saudi Arabia. It can deliver great consumer experience and increase a website’s likeability.

Broken grid layout: -

Talking of the Saudi Arabian market, this design does pretty well to impress the consumers. A mix and match of horizontal and vertical lines, this design helps you assemble the logo, title and the content in a way that catches maximum of attention. There is a lot of room for experimentation in this design letting the web designer try as many forms of layout as possible

Usage of brilliant colors: -

Using bright and dazzling colors is always a good idea to make your website catchy. Colors have a lot of impact on memory. Hence you can use colors to reinforce your brand image and leave a powerful impact on the minds of consumers.

Mobile friendly designs: -

This is especially very important when talking of the market of Saudi Arabia.  Everyone has access to smartphones. Most of the people do their browsing from phones rather than desktops and laptops. So it is very important to have web designs that are mobile friendly.

Usage of graphics and pictures: -

Most people agree that using more of graphics and pictures rather than content makes a website more attractive. People are more moved and captivated with the help of pictures rather than reading lengths of content.

Retro styles: -

Saudi Arabian people have a strong liking for nostalgic elements. Therefore, retro styles and nostalgia works well in the Saudi Arabian market. Retro designs trend at the top when it comes to web designs in 2019. Using typography and color schemes that takes back to another time reminiscing the past glory of the Arabian Nights works wonders with the Saudi Arabian people.

Animations: -

Animated pictures are taken quite well by the Saudi Arabian market. They add likeability of a website. Web design experts also agree that short and catchy animated videos make message delivery easier. Such elements help increase consumer engagement with a website.

Monochrome designs: -

Monochrome designs work very well and are very well accepted by human brains. They are considered very useful to enhance the message on web page. They tend to create more emphasis on the content hence making the content more memorable.

Photo content: -

Web design experts maintain that content that has photos work effectively in the Saudi Arabian market. You can make use of original graphical images to tap the target market. This helps increase consumer traffic on your website which in turn helps a lot in selling well.
Overlapping designs: -

Overlapping designs and elements create a very interesting visual image. They are very useful to emphasize different aspects of content. Along with that, it increases the aesthetic appeal of the website.

10 Web Design Trends In 2019 - 2020

10 Web Design Trends In 2019 - 2020
