Silas Amunga's profile

Murray Rothbard | Anyone But Che

This is Murray Rothbard. 

From the Mises Wiki : Rothbard "was an economist, scholar, intellectual and polymath who made major contributions in economics, political philosophy (libertarianism in particular), economic history and legal theory. He developed and extended the Austrian School of economics based on the earlier pioneering work of Ludwig von Mises. Rothbard eventually established himself as the principal Austrian theorist in the latter half of the twentieth century and applied Austrian analysis to historical topics such as the Great Depression of 1929 and the history of American banking."

He is a man I respcect greatly and an entry in my Anyone But Che Series.

The Anyone But Che series is my attempt to replace the now fashionable popularity of wearing the face of a racist, homophobic, socialist murderer. Almost anyone would be preferential than Che. 

thank you
Murray Rothbard | Anyone But Che

Murray Rothbard | Anyone But Che

Murray Rothbard portrait with a speed drawing during a reading of Nations By Consent
