Plantapalooza is a plant expo extravaganza. It's an event you can go if you love and are obsessed with plants, or you want to be! Above are the logos for the event. 
The landing page for Plantpalooza has easy links up in the navigation bar and quick access to registering for the event.
Tickets are done virtually with a QR code. You can pull it up online then print it out but there is an app that you can download it to as well. 
Bus Stop Advertisement
Web Banner
Plant Carry Packaging. This comes in handy in case you purchase some plants while you are there and don't want them spilling in your car. 
Mobile App Logo
Mobile App Index page. Simple with access to all the features you may need. Schedule to make sure you don't miss anything important, Event App Tracker so that you know where the events are and how to get there, and the social media link allows you to upload directed to the events feed or see what other fun things people are doing in real time. 
Mobile QR code
Mobile App


Plantalooza is a plant-centered event for the crazy plant people in the world.
