Henkilön Anita Lukman profiili

Book cover for The Educational Research Institute (Slo)

The Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central research institution in Slovenia for research in education undertaking basic research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas. My task was to design a cover for an exercise book for children in primary school. Since the exercise book was all about biology, I used an image of tree and a little smart girl on cover. The logos of other institutes in Slovenia on book's cover were requested from ERI.

book cover
front side of the book
back side of the book
book from the side
Book cover for The Educational Research Institute (Slo)

Book cover for The Educational Research Institute (Slo)

The Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central research institution in Slovenia for research in education undertaking basic research, de Lue lisää
