Perfil de Rafaela VianaPerfil de André L. F. Viana

Creators Office

Durante três anos, atuei como gerente de comunicação na Creators Office - uma produtora de vídeos idealizada por mim e meus irmãos mais velhos, focada em clientes de moda,beleza e lifesyle.
Fui responsável por criar roteiros de publi posts usando product placements e/ou storytelling e por toda a pesquisa de novos conteúdos e formatos de todos os canais.

Creators office was a video producer agency created by me and my oldest brothers.
Our biggest proposal was create the connection with the public, the digital creators and the brands. 
For about 3 years, as a manager of communication and content writer, I was always responsible for developing the stories for the videos, creating scripts for the advertising using product placements and storytelling.
Creators Office
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Creators Office

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