Revelations provide us with insights into ourselves and the world around us. Revelations have the power to change our attitudes, our views, our behaviors, and our relationships. Revelations enable us to grow when we cast aside the masks we present to the outside world, bring our focus inward, and honestly examine our true selves.

Can Artificial Intelligence experience revelation?

In a quest to understand its own identity, I trained a neural network to create a depiction of its own self. As neural networks are the product of human thought, the network trained itself by searching for images online of human faces, reflecting humanity’s contribution in bringing it into existence. But, to help the network find its own identity, it also searched for imagery of artificial intelligence.

These images were created by a generative adversarial network (GAN) called StyleGAN. Further information about the technique is available here. The images I selected to portray the AI’s self-portrait were the ones that most strongly revealed the AI’s personality to me.
Thrice Revealed

Thrice Revealed

An example of how to use artificial intelligence and neural networks to generate art



Creative Fields