Skateboard Collab
A collaboration with fellow classmate, Neila Torres, to create our own unique skateboard company.
Our basic layout for "Folklore: The Wendigo" series. and Larger boards underneath for easier viewing. In addition; Edwin is the character shown on each board. Created by Neila, the idea is that he is a struggling college student, dangerously adventuring and researching/experiencing these lores for us in exchange for his college tuition. Keep up the good work, Edwin!
Our Company's logo Evolution. The logo is always in it's original state but constantly tweaked to reflect the culture of the lore projected on the board(s).
Bonus! A mockup of what our company's facebook page would look like! 
Skateboard Collab

Skateboard Collab

An assignment to collaborate with a fellow student to create a unique skateboard company and series design!
