Georgia Dooley さんのプロファイル

Digital Presentation Design Brief 5. #mvm19 #s5047178

This work has been created for an assessment item for Making Visual Media 1531QCA
Griffith University. For this assessment we had to adhere to the supplied design brief located below.
After reading the design brief I decided that I should make a design layout for what my future website could look like. 
Above is the three page concept I presented to class.

The critique I received was that the layout was really good. Someone said perhaps I should move the text on the 'Contact' and 'About' page in a bit from the left. My tutor said maybe I could add an inspirational quote on the 'About' page, and an embedded social media feed on the 'Contact' page. It was also said that I should make mockups of the website on a computer, and a mobile version.
Here's the contact page of the website after making some changes and applying some of the suggestions from the critique. I've moved the text in from the left of the page a bit to create more of a margin. I've also added what will be an instagram feed in the bottom left corner. I also changed the social media icons to fit more with the style of my website. 
This is a mockup of the home page to see what it would look like. I was going to resize my original design to fit properly but I think visually this works better anyway.
This is the Ipad mockup of the homepage for my website. I've seen other websites use these three lines in place of a menu. When users click on this the menu options will come up. 
This is the current Iphone mockup for the home page of my website. I've again used the 3 lines in place of the menu to save space.
Digital Presentation Design Brief 5. #mvm19 #s5047178
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Digital Presentation Design Brief 5. #mvm19 #s5047178

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