Jitendra Ramchandani profili

BugWorld! App (UI & UX Design)

About the App

This app's name is BugWorld! And the tagline is Know Your Small Friends!

Generally, children tend to get scared of bugs and insects. The objective of this app would be to create curiosity among children and young adults about these small creatures and help them see and know more about them. 

More the information they possess about these creatures more they are informed, and therefore, it will help children get off with the fear of insects!


(1) Insect Identification
Users can identify a bug simply by using camera or microphone of mobile/tabs

(2) Browse Insects around Neighborhood
Users can find what all types of insects are there in their neighborhood and know more about them.

(3) BugWiki
Users can go through the content to read about insects and their habits etc. They will also be able to see hi-res macro images of these creatures.

(4) You & Yours
Users can see and edit their profile, find friends, see their viewing history, share with friends of what they have identified/found/read about and share with other users within the app and people who are not using this app via social links.

SN1, 2 and 3 will provide info on how these insects actually look, what sound they make, their life, habitat etc., how are they useful for our earth, why we shouldn't kill them, how and why they can attack us and how to be friends with them.

Target User Groups & Brief Profiles

The target group is children and young adults in particular (though this app can also be used by nature lovers and people of any age group who have a fear of insects or want to know more about these creatures). 

Potential Roles
Role 1 - Scared/Have a fear
Role 2 - Curious
Role 3 - Tutoring
Role 4 - Nature lovers
Profile Description of Primary Target Group (Role 1 users - Scared/Have a fear)
People who have a fear of small creatures, like, bugs and insects, tend to react weirdly when they see an insect. They either get scared and run away from them or kill them or yell out of fear or react weirdly. In general, there is a chance that the insect is dealt with some violence.

Goals & Competitors

Client/designer goals for app design (in order of importance)
(1) Awareness about insects to reduce fear/phobia
(2) Interactive and engaging
(3) Build community
(4) Make money

Alternative Apps and Competitors

App 1 - Insect Identifier
This app lets the user take pictures of insects and identifies bugs using its rich database. It also provides a feature to send pictures to experts for advice. What's bad though is its UI and usability and its inability to use the device microphone to identify insect sounds. Target audience - kids and all age groups

App 2 - Insect Encyclopedia
This app has a very rich library of pictures and information. However, there are two major limitations - (1) not a very intuitive UI and UX (2) it cant use camera and mic of device.
Target audience - all ages

App 3 - Learn Insects Kids
This app is for kids in particular and helps them learn and play with interactive screens along with quizzes. This app lacks identification of insects and is a 'flat' source of information for insects. 

Sitemap & User Journey Paths

There are three possible paths by which user can reach the knowledge base about a particular insect - (1) by identifying the bug by using photo or sound (2) by browsing the Around neighborhood section which will detect user's location and list the local insects, and (3) using BugWiki, this will work like a 'Wikipedia'.

I have tried to explain these three user journeys in the sitemap below which looks like a dragonfly.

(The sitemap below excludes "Login" section and "You and Yours" section)

The wireframes you will seen next only represent the "User Journey Path 1". Path 2 and 3 are not shared here.


These are the wireframes for User Journey Path 1.
(Follow left-to-right)

Interface Design

These are the interface designs for User Journey Path 1.

BugWorld! App (UI & UX Design)
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BugWorld! App (UI & UX Design)

This is an app for children and folks who have a fear and phobia of insects and bugs.

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