Henry Hondivs (1625) Instrvction En la Science De Perspective. Scans obtained from the Getty Research institute.
Raw scan files:
These possibly never before seen pages are the leftover ink/mold on the opposite sides/backs of the illustrated pages in the book, stained and deposited on the parchment over the course of 400 years and picked up in incredible detail with these scans (Getty Research Institute). Colorized in Photoshop.
Warped one of the scans and animated some frames in Photoshop/Premiere
ill do some more of these when I get some free time
Also made the beat - check out the rest of my music at soundcloud.com/megalost
Still frames (designed in Photoshop):
Original Image, 1625. (Cropped, rotated, tone corrected from raw scan):
Original Illustrations (rotated and tone corrected from the raw scan files). These were drawn almost 400 years ago,
This archive series is a work in progress.

Thanks for checking it out!

info: johnnylucus@gmail.com



"Instrvction EnlaScience De Perspective" (1625) by Henry Hondivs. These images consist of the mold and ink deposited to the opposite sides & ba Read More
