Jack Mobley's profile

Passion Project: PALETTE

Passion Project: Palette

Exploring the billions of color options encapsulated by the most creative individuals and wholesome experiences we share developed into creative expression.  

Why am I here 
As Do-it-yourself and at-home crafts continue to skyrocket thanks to many online resources such as Etsy and Pinterest, the future of creative expression is only going up. Down the exact color, exact experience, exact moment—you are welcome to radiate that energy through creative expression encouraged with PALETTE.   

What do I care about 
Freedom of expression in the exact way that fits your idea of who you are and most importantly, what makes you feel most at-home with life.  

What do you do 
I take inspiration from literally any color. Every color we create has a .000000001% chance of existing, making your color something extra special.  
We take colors and create a digital scene that best represents the color you resonate with.  
Passion Project: PALETTE

Passion Project: PALETTE

A colorful creative project dedicated to the millions of colors that make up the human world.
