Perfil de Brian Shanahan DEA

Turkey’s Role in the War on Drugs

Turkey’s Role in the War on Drugs
Retired DEA special agent Brian Shanahan spent a few years on assignment in Turkey as part of the DEA’s international efforts to jointly curb drug trafficking into the United States. While in Turkey, Brian Shanahan had the opportunity to gain insight into the drug culture in and around the country.

Because of its central location, Turkey is at a crossroads between some of the world’s largest drug suppliers and their target markets. This puts Turkey in the unique position of being a gateway between the Middle East drug supplies and the western world. Counter-narcotics efforts in Turkey play a key role globally.

In recent years, nearly 20 percent of global heroin seizures took place in Turkey. This is a result of Turkey’s continued commitment to cooperation with various foreign counter-narcotic organizations.

In addition to joint operations, Turkey has become somewhat of a training ground for counter-narcotics units from many countries. As both a transit and target country for drug operations that span continents, Turkey’s continued commitment to eliminating illicit drug trade will be a valued global asset in the war on drugs.
Turkey’s Role in the War on Drugs

Turkey’s Role in the War on Drugs


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