Shoushan Zoo Visual Identity Redesign 2019高雄設計節:未來動物園計劃


Background / 專案背景

2019高雄設計節主題為「RE-Think」為策展主軸,從食、衣、住、行、育、樂六大生活面向切入,邀請九組設計團隊各自針對不同擅長的領域,提出對於高雄未來的新想像,而其中Project On Museum受邀參展並負責其中的「育:壽山動物園視覺整合新提案」。

Design Solution / 設計策略

After visiting the Shoushan Zoo, we noticed that in addition to the animals in the zoo, there are many other living groups in Shoushan, including Formosan macaque, Formosan barking deer, birds, reptiles, etc. Therefore, we believe that not only the entire zoo but also the whole mountain can be regarded as the home of animals. Then, based on the keywords of "mountain", "homeland", "residence" and "nature", we have created a new logo and developed a series of graphic elements and wayfinding systems. We can see the upper part of the logo as a hill with cave entrances and exits representing the homes of the animals. If we read the Chinese characters “山” in the lower part of the mark with the upper part (the hill), we can see a big tree. This tree represents vitality, care for the creatures, and is a basic but important symbol of natural environment conservation. 

Through this zoo visual identity redesign project, we imagine that if Shoushan Zoo can have a strong, consistent and trend-oriented identity system, it will definitely be more successful in promoting animal protection education and gradually guide the mountain become a real "beast mountain". Animals living here, whether in the zoo or in the National Nature Park, can be properly cared for and protected, and live comfortably and freely.

在拜訪壽山動物園之後,我們注意到除了園區內的動物,壽山上亦有相當多其他生物族群棲息,包含猴群、山羌、鳥類、爬蟲類等,因此,我們認為不止園區內,整座山都可視為動物們的家園。於是,我們以「山」、「家園」、「居所」、「自然」等關鍵字進行發展,制定出新的園區標誌,並延伸出一系列輔助圖形與指標系統。我們可將這個標誌的上半部看成一座山丘,其中有洞穴出入口,代表著動物們的家園 ; 若我們將山丘和圖標下半部的中文「山」字同時閱讀,則能看到一棵大樹。這棵樹代表生命力、對於生物們的照護和庇蔭,更是自然環境保育基本卻重要的象徵。



Creative Direction: Jay Guan-Jie Peng
Art Direction: Jay Guan-Jie Peng, Stella Tai-Yun Shih
Graphic Design: Jay Guan-Jie Peng, Stella Tai-Yun Shih, Shing-Ying He, Yu-Chen
Illustration: Shing-Ying He, Yu-Chen
Motion Graphic: Shing-Ying He, Yu-Chen
Client: Kaohsiung Design Festival 高雄設計節

Shoushan Zoo Visual Identity Redesign 2019高雄設計節:未來動物園計劃