For this project, we were each partnered with another classmate & were to find out information about them, such as interests, hobbies, etc. We then design a custom tattoo for our partner with this information.
My partner liked greyscale color schemes, geometric designs, and green in designs. His interests included dragons & overall fantasy themes, cats, RPG games, and the TV show Steven Universe.
For this design, I used the gemstone element from Steven Universe as the central image, with a dragon's spiked tail entwined around it. The gem also ties together the overall fantasy theme with the dragon. The color scheme is a muted monochromatic green.
The textures & highlights on the gemstone were made with various brush strokes. They were set at different opacities and layer modes to give the illusion of depth & transparency of a real stone.
The dragon's scales were created with a base layer of solid color, a semi-transparent layer of halftone effect, and finally another layer of semi-transparent green to smooth it out evenly.
Tattoo Final

Tattoo Final
