Creative Rational
For this assignment I was required to create a bizarre narrative photo using only 10 photos from a website called “Pexels” which supplies free high quality photos. During my assignment I started planning my idea which multiple themes such as under the water or in the city.
After playing with multiple photos and exploring through the web site noticed multiple contrasting photos that related to a space theme. This gave me the idea of creating a narrative that relates to the relationship of mankind and our solar galaxy, I first started with a star gazing background to capture the essence of being in outer space as well as a large close up image of a human face as the eye played a crucial role.
 After retrieving a large image of a women’s face I replaced her pupil with the plant earth as this is the home planet of mankind today. Furthermore, I found an image of a human hand in a holding position and used this to hold the moon with an astronaut walking on the moon; this indicated that humanity has the power to access and use the moon which also expresses what humankind is capable of achieving. After placing the astronaut on the moon I then copied and pasted another on below the original one and adjusted the colours to create a darker version to finally mimic its shadow, this gave a realistic 3D feel of the astronaut on the moon.
I named my theme “playing god” as I want to imagine what I would see if I was in god position. I also wanted my god to be a female as there is no distinctive proof of god being male.
I added other elements that are unusual and were invented by mankind such as bubbles because they have a perfect round shape that also mimic the shapes of the planets in our solar system. Furthermore, later I also added a milky way to add more of a space galaxy feel as well as a unusual purple planet to represent a weirder version of the sun that we now today. 
The main moral of my theme is showing god seeing how man-kind is able to leave their home planet that “god created” and invade other astronomical bodies such as the moon which represent the scene of Neil Armstrong (first man who landed on the moon). 
Playing God

Playing God

