Bio-K+ - 2019 Campaign

Communicating product benefits is challenging for any probiotics brand because messaging is highly regulated. For consumers, this means a lot of similar messages and very little brand differentiation. We were challenged with helping Bio-K+ to standout in a sea of sameness without straying too far from the brand’s scientific foundations.

Using popular French Canadian plays on words relating to, um, “passing gas”, we were able to respect category regulatory norms all the while imbuing our messaging with humour. We also created funny web video capsules featuring a straight-laced “Bio-K+ scientist” who read very dry product attributes while being completely unaware of the puns hidden in his script. The campaign was bold, clever and differentiating, while still being on-brand for Bio-K+.

///  CREDITS  ///

Client: Bio-K+

Agency: Bleublancrouge
Account supervisors: Geneviève Moreau, Joelle Rondeau
Creative Director: Marie-Ève Best & Eric Chavagnac
Copywriter: Marie-Ève Best, Eric Chavagnac & Genevièeve Jannelle
Art Director: Hang Tan Tang
Production: Élise Lebel

Video production: Pas de fruit
Producer: Olivier Ménard
Actor: Stéphane Raymond​​​​​​​
Media: Glassroom

Sound Production: La majeure

Bio-K+ - 2019 Campaign