Inktober 2019 

I have been doing Inktober for a few years now, but I still haven't managed to do it straight 31 days. However, this year is very close, and I still need to draw a few themes left. )-YAY(

Inktober is a month-long art challenge created by artist Jake parker which focused on improving skills and developing positive drawing habits.  

These are several that I think the best of them all. This year, I explored different tools and medium, not only pen/ink and paper.  I also learn how to use procreate, which turn out to become an addiction:-)

For the complete Inktober you can just check out my IG
Day 01 - Ring  
Day 05 - Freeze
Day 07 - Enchanted
Day 08 - Frail
Day 09 - Swing
Day 12 - Dragon  
Day 16 - Wild  
Day 18 - Misfit 
Day 20 - Thread 
Day 23 - Ancient   
Day 27 - Coat
Day 28 - Ride  
Inktober 2019


Inktober 2019

Personal project



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