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Heinz- The Underdogs

The idea for this copywriting exercise came from a friend's personal dislike for tomatoes. In his own words he said "I prefer to eat mushroom soup over eating tomatoes". From this idea of comparison of food, we thought about how people tend to compare between at least 2 foods and  choose the foods they like more. This triggered the idea of a competition between the food. Then we thought about how the food can compete like how humans do, except in our minds. For instance, tomatoes competing with potatoes to try to gain your approval and to choose them is kinda like two teams competing with one another in sports. But two teams (or food) competing for your love is not enough. What we needed is someone who you would root for and would want to win. Someone you know in your heart was the rightful winner even before they stepped into the competition. What we need, is an UNDERDOG. Who then are the greatest underdogs ever? Well, look no further than people like Stephen Curry, Rocky or even lightning McQueen. 
Heinz- The Underdogs

Heinz- The Underdogs
