Project name: Desk light (individual project)
Date: 25.09.2019
Summary: It is a desk light focused on simplifying the mechanical parts. The angle of this desk light can be adjusted by moving polar bear charm through the light sides to side. It represents the global warming ongoing issue affected by human activities. Therefore, I wanted to alarm the global warming that we faced.
This is the time that we have to light up our ongoing issues that we are keep hiding before too late
Source: Guardian_17.13.2013
My design project had started from that I found this article. This article is saying that polar bears are dying due to couldn't find any food. This issue made me real sorrow, and make me to do something as a designer. To tell to people and to show people about it. 
The bear sitting on the ice berg
(the charm can be replaced by other design which is also handling social issues)
When user light up higher, the bear charm must be moved to the edge of the light, and it makes the bear doesn't look stable.

Design by Michael Chang.
It is also focused on make a shape as much as SIMPLE to deliver clear idea to users and people.
Desk light

Desk light
