Profil Sophia Morris

Week 3: Munch Overheard #MVM19 #s5200270

Making Visual Media Design: 
A3 Portrait Poster
For my course on Making Visual Media (MVM), I was required to design an A3 poster for the band 'Munch Overheard'. This client is an ambient-acid-jazz-liquid-funk band and this poster will be used to promote their upcoming 'East Cost 2019 Tour'. To achieve the desired aesthetic, I was supplied with a basic sketch of the layout that the art director drew. In order to complete this poster, I had to use the Adobe Indesign program. I found this software quite difficult to understand, meaning I had to spend quite a lot of time playing around and watching videos of the tips and tricks. These videos helped me in the long run as it provided me with a basic skill set when using Adobe Indesign, and allowed me to create this A3 band poster.
My Work In Progress
This is a sketch the art director of the band gave to me, to use as a reference for the designing process for the final product.
Below are the before and after images from the critique. The only change I made was to the colour of the text as it was difficult to read once it was printed. I was much happier with my poster design once I changed the colour of the text, as I believe it stands out more and it is easier to read - making it more appealing to passerbyers .
The following images were retrieved from a website '', which is 'The internet’s source of freely useable images. Powered by creators everywhere.' These are high quality images that are free-to-download. 
Photo by Ana Grave on Unsplash
Photo by Jorge Zapata on Unsplash
Week 3: Munch Overheard #MVM19 #s5200270

Week 3: Munch Overheard #MVM19 #s5200270
