Watch the feedback on a festival we entered and Won 1st place click here.
This song speaks of the hardships, anxieties and the inevitable depression that affects those who leave their homeland and have to settle elsewhere. The modern rate of migration in the world is staggeringly high and more often than not circumstances surrounding this displacement and migration is laced with incredible sadness. The journey is not often taken with joy. The loneliness and sense of not belonging in the new land the migrate lands in is profound and can be demoralizing and crushing. When I immigrated with my family to Canada in 1990, I took the journey reluctantly. I cried on every plane we took and the first 3 years of settlement was some of the loneliest and darkest times of my life. But the irony was that even when I was living in Iran, I also had no clear sense of belonging. A person can be from a place with strong roots and connections and still at times feel the disconnect – a stranger in ones home, and a stranger in another land. 

HESAR animated video

HESAR animated video
