"STAY HYDRATED" font poster is one of my study projects. It is some kind of social ad telling us about the importance of water and its meaning in our lives 
The poster also conteins some interesting facts about water. Here are some of them: "70% of human brain is water", "Water regulates the temperature of human body, carries nutrients", "The average total of home water use for each person in the US is about 50 gallons a day", "The human brain is water and 75% of a living tree is water".
To tell the truth, I don't really like the idea of font posters and the fact that i was supposed to put on the poster a lot of unimportant text just because i had to. But i made it anyway, so, here it is.
"SIGHT' poster is my another typography work made for university. Background photo I made by myself.


"STAY HYDRATED" is a font poster, some kind of social ad telling us about the importance of water and its meaning in our lives
