The Activator
Through research conducted, ideation, conceptualization and  refinement was able to produce a wearable technology using Arduino pulse sensors to create a device like no other.
Through intensive research, a brand (TYR) had been chosen as a brand that would potentially have such an object in their stores and within their catalogue.
Understanding the brand, its logo and colours for a deeper understanding of the brand.
A shocking statistic of 3 per 100 000 peoples lives are taken away from their loved ones each year from drownings, in places such as beaches, pools and bathtubs, especially in KwaZulu Natal. This was the motive for my design
The effects and complications that happen when someone drowns. 
Existing wearable devices that have inspired my design.
The Activator is a band that activates an airbag once a high or low pulse reading has been detected by the Arduino sensors and instantly deploys a airbag and simultaneously sends a notification to the lifeguard or guardian on duty. As not all drownings signs are clear to by standers.
I've created a TYR Activator App that is connected through a WIFI module to the band. Where alerts and user details of the band will be punched in and received through iOS and Android devices.  
Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology
