Perfil de Stephen Philips

Romero Pools Catalina Mountains

10 Sec exposure, ISO100, F20, @17mm. Great long exposure to capture cloud movement and create a silky water effect during the mid-morning sun. Taken with a ND 400 filter.
Captured this little guy out of the corner of my eye. Early in the morning as you can tell by his expression... whatsup?
Largest of the pools. Estimated 15 ft deep and approx. 40 ft long. Remember this is in the desert mountains!
Another view of the same pool above. About a 10 ft drop to pool surface from here.
This path to the pool is just large enough for a good sized rabbit to get to some very needed water in the high desert arid environment of the Catalina Mountains.
Morning sunrise just coming over the top of the western facing mountain slopes. Dramatic and intense brightness was effectively toned down in Lightroom that fell against the rocks in the background without impacting the lighting in the foreground.
Some fun with HDR
More fun with HDR "Electric Falls"
Last HDR image for now... thanks for looking!
Romero Pools Catalina Mountains

Romero Pools Catalina Mountains

Romero Pools at Catalina State Park Oro Valley Arizona
