WITS aims to amplify female leadership and participation in technology by building a community at Western University of women interested in technology. Our goal is to foster a welcoming community through events such as workshops and our yearly title event, SheHacks, the largest all-women hackathon in Southwest Ontario. This year, we expanded from a 12 hour to 24 hour hackathon, a major achievement!

Two years ago, I joined WITS as a Director of Design and now I've become the VP of Design. When I first took on the role, and even during my interview process, I was posed with the question of:

Given the chance, how would I revitalize WITS’s brand image?

This year, this question came up again as I helped rebrand SheHacks IV.
Read the full case study on my portfolio!

Or take a look at SheHacks IV's website.
SheHacks IV

SheHacks IV
