finding tuscany
Set of illustrations to promote a one-week exploring trip through Tuscany, Italy.
This itinerary will feature stays in two heavenly villa properties, daily hikes across the green countryside, yoga sessions & local wine and food tasting, providing a glimpse into authentic Tuscan living.
This adventure includes visits to local ricotta cheese producers and organic lavender farms...
...daily Yoga sessions (at sunrise, during the hikes, or at sunset)... 
...walks through winery lands, and taste some of the best Tuscan wines..., combined olive oil and wine
meals with long time olive tree grower and olive oil producers.
You will also visit internationally renown ceramic artists...
...and have a chance to prepare and enjoy an Italian Happy Meal!

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finding tuscany


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finding tuscany

Set of illustrations to promote a one-week exploring trip through Tuscany, Italy. This itinerary will feature stays in two heavenly villa propert Read More


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