Henkilön Davor Schwarz profiili

Annual Reports and Corporate Publications

Austrade (Australian Trading Commission) Annual Report.

Upon the request from client to create a printed report that can be read as easily navigable pdf document the traditional page layout was replaced with more experimental solution introducing the orange triangle marker as a navigation tool.
Centennial Parklands Annual Report 2001

2001 was the year in which corporate clients embraced the functionality of the pdf format and everyone wanted interactive navigable annual reports. The design challenge was; how to incorporate a navigation system inside printed document without making it look forced and unnecessary?

Project limitations: Duo-tone utilising supplied images and data.

Challenge accepted.
Layout sketches, Chapter icons and the designs applied to the cover of the Annual Report.
Layout sketch and icons applied to spread including the interactive navigation menu for pdf export.
Design Resources

Corporate Profile for Industrial design agency.
The Cancer Council Annual Report

Project limitations: 2 colours inside, utilising provided images text and data.
Ministry for Police 2002 Annual Report 

Project limitations: 2 colours inside, utilising provided images text and data.
Ministry for Police 2001 Annual Report 

Project limitations: 2 colours inside, utilising provided text and data, no images.
As there was no images to use i have created this abstract representation of the city grid and used it throughout the document as space filler.
And no this is not an animation although your eyes might trick you into seeing moving shapes.
Global Ballooning Corporate Profile

This was a fun job for a company that provides ballooning experience in the Yarra Valley wine region. The designs were inspired by the wine labels and illustration style from Griffith and Sabine books and the images were actual polaroid lifts. The polaroid image is submerged into the chemical solution that separates the thin layer of film with image on it from the paper. The delicate image has appearance and texture of silk just like the hot-air balloon. The lift is than placed on the paper with all the imperfections, distortion and crunch marks and scanned.
Annual Report for Centennial Parklands

Following the success of last years annual report design it was time to create a same, same but different. This time however back to printed document designed for print and not messing around with multiple navigable formats within one document.

Project limitations: Duo-tone utilising supplied images and data.
I felt that cover image requested by client needed a bit of something added and something taken out.
More astute observers will notice that i used the same design for financial as in the Ministry for Police Annual Report :)  It just works.
Master of Business and Technology Prospectus

Client requested new, modern, technologically advanced, progressive, futuristic etc. design. This what you see is result of many revisions and very tame in comparison to what i have initially proposed. Still very "progressive" compared to their other communications designs and i got to play with UV varnishes and spot colours.
Annual Reports and Corporate Publications

Annual Reports and Corporate Publications
