Haniah Adibah's profile

2018 Sunda Strait Tsunami Volunteer

.    Dokumentasi Bencana Alam Tsunami Selat Sunda 2018   .

22 Desember 2018, peristiwa tsunami yang disebabkan oleh letusan Anak Krakatau di Selat Sunda menghantam daerah pesisir Banten dan Lampung, Indonesia.

Saya ikut serta dalam kegiatan relawan yang ditugaskan pergi memberi bantuan kepada para korban bencana di Sumur, Banten dan sekitarnya. Bertugas sebagai dokumenter dari tim relawan IIBF PayForward, berikut beberapa dokumentasi yang saya sempat abadikan dalam melakukan perjalan kerelawanan di Banten.

On 22 December 2018, a tsunami that followed an eruption and partial collapse of the Anak Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Strait struck several coastal regions of Banten in Java and Lampung in Sumatra, Indonesia.
The tsunami was caused by an undersea landslide that followed an eruption of Anak Krakatau,
the "Child of Krakatoa".

I participated in volunteer activities that were assigned to go to provide assistance to the disaster victims in Sumur, Banten and surrounding areas. In charge as a documenter photography from IIBF PayForward volunteer team, here are some documentation that I had captured in the course of volunteering in Banten.
Dikarenakan beberapa kendala saat berada di pusat bencana terjadi, atau titik terparah dari tsunami (Sumur),
saya tidak dapat mengabadikan moment yang terjadi disana.
Sekian dokumentasi dari perjalanan kerelawanan IIBF PayForward sebagai bala bantuan.
Semoga para korban yang terkena diberi kesabaran, ketabahanan dan keihklasan.

Due to several problems while at the worst point of the tsunami (Sumur), I'm not be able to capture the moment
that happened there.
That's all the documentation of the IIBF PayForward voluntary journey as help.
May the affected victims be given patience, perseverance and sincerity.

26 Desember 2018,
for IIBF PayForward.
2018 Sunda Strait Tsunami Volunteer


2018 Sunda Strait Tsunami Volunteer

A short documentary of 2018 Sunda Strait Tsunami. I volunteered as a documenter photography for IIBF PayForward.


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