Charla Mayer 的个人资料

Campbell Cabinetry Designs

Campbell Cabinetry Designs
Main Street Appeal
"Are you new in town?" It's something the Campbell boys get a lot in regards to their business. By all appearances, it could very well be. They seem like the new kids in town, uneasy with the spotlight on them, humble but intelligent about the work they do. Truth be told, the Campbell family has been creating kitchen and home cabinetry masterpieces for over 40 years in Sarasota. But they are new to Main Street in downtown Sarasota, and they're causing a pretty big stir. Most visitors come into the showroom and ask if they can stay, or if they can move in, and we all smile. They've been carefully cultivating the ideas and images of this showroom for a long time, and now it's here. And it's gorgeous.

They needed a new identity system that could hold its own on Main Street and yet still fit in with their historic building. It needed to convey a lot in a little, and it needed to marry 40 years of experience with an intelligent, modern market. Most of all, it needed to please three very particular and detail oriented craftsmen-- the following is the fruit of our labor.

Campbell Cabinetry Designs

Campbell Cabinetry Designs

Branding and identity system created by Charla Weaver for Campbell Cabinetry Designs Inc. Includes both print pieces and web.
