Profil użytkownika „Oscar George Spinks”

EN Raceday Conference Rebrand

EN Raceday 2019

The EN Raceday is a one day conference for the Exhibition Industry held at Sandown Racecourse. During this Conference attendees can enjoy a seminar followed by several races. This year the focus was on sustainability and how the exhibition industry can change to be more eco friendly.

When I first joined Mash Media I was art working the EN Raceday collateral for 2018, I instantly though that this brand should be modernised and create more of a brand aesthetic that was more current and recognisable.

I began working on updating the logo first. I had a strong idea that I to create a logo that more resembles the EN branding.

Using a illustration of a horse within the EN logo I created the new logo.


After creating the new logo mark I moved on to envision what the branding & collateral could possibly look like.

At Mash Media we advertise mailing within out own publications. As this is a subtend of Exhibition News our advertising would consist mainly of full page adverts within this magazine. Therefor, I thought this would be a good place to start.
Working with the magazine editor and director we created the following.


After an initial review with the editor, magazine director and my senior designer, it became apparent that the simple flat vectors were a favourite. I then took the initial vector I was trying to create a pattern with and simplified it. The final result created a distinct hierarchy with a lot of white space. I created this in grey whilst I looked for a colour that properly represented the event.

Moving forward we ended up picking a purple that we thought stood out. This colour was also picked due to it being the original brand colours of Mash Media. I decided I would also use a yellow due to its complimentary values as a secondary brand colour the event this year. The advert also features left and right facing pages to ensure the text is always on the outer side thus pulling readers from the centre out due to readers following the eye of the horse.

Web Banners

At Mash Media we also advertise through web banners on our several news websites. For this event we mainly used spaces on the Exhibition News website. Using both banner and skyscraper spaces, we created the following.

Joining instructions

Running up to the event we also send out joining instruction to registered attendees to inform them of timings and other important information for the event. For this particular show we also sent out personalised invitations from the MD of Mash Media also.
I design these to be viewed as a scrollable web document so they can be opened nicely on all devices, also this keeps the file size down nice and low so they are easily opened.

Holding Slides

I also created some holding slides for the digital signage at the event. Prior to the conference the operations team at Mash provide me with a list of slides they need created. For this event it consisted of: Conference speakers, Event sponsor/partner showcase & a general slide for operations to be able to write on.

Event Signage

Prior to the event the operations team also give me a signage schedule. This consists of the required message and spec for each piece that needs to be created. This year it consisted of: 1xBackdrop, 4x Welcome tombstones, 4x Timetable tombstones.
Below is the artwork created for the conference signage.

Photography by: Aniseed Photography


Thank you for viewing this project. Feel free to take a glance at the rest of my work and of course likes and follows are appreciated.

EN Raceday Conference Rebrand

EN Raceday Conference Rebrand

Rebrand for the Exhibition News Raceday. Raceday is a one day conference held at Sandown Racecourse, this year the subject was about sustainabili Rozwiń
