2019 Inktober
This year I was actually able to complete all 31 drawings for Inktober! By Day 3 I figured out my theme and decided to set a few rules for myself: all of them had to be food puns of some sort; text had to be written in white; and I created a limited color palette to try and make them all fit in together. (Next year I'll set up the palette before I get started... it still bugs me that doodle #1 looks so different from the rest :P )

I had a great time coming up with ways to stretch the Inktober prompts to fit into some sort of food pun, and it was a great way for me to explore a new medium: Procreate! 

You can see the time-lapses on my Instagram page: https://instagram.com/zacrizy

Looking forward to next year's list! (Let's see if I can do it again!)
Happy Halloween!
Inktober 2019 Illustrations