Perfil de effie horton

COOK- An Anthony Bourdain Recipe App

 COOK - An Anthony Bourdain Recipe App/Case Study
User Research Worksheets
User Persona Designs
3 personas drawn from my user research, and styled with Photoshop and Sketch.
MVP Worksheets
Pages from the assignment/task "Gathering Requirements"- an exercise in working up an MVP document for this project.
User Flow Diagrams
Initial user flows for the COOK app.
Paper Prototyping
Some exploratory sketching and creating my first paper prototypes for user testing.
User Testing Worksheets
User research/results from conducting the usability testing!
User Flow Diagram for COOK- An Anthony Bourdain Recipe App
This User Flow Diagram includes my new map/ globe feature, added to increase the worldly/traveling vibes to bring in more Bourdain-influence, and foster a more wholesome UX.
Moodboard Study/Creation
Moodboard study and creation using InVision and Sketch.
Perspective Mockups
Responsive Design Study
This exercise helped me learn to create different breakpoint sizes for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices using the12-column grid.
All iPhone 8 Screens 
COOK- An Anthony Bourdain Recipe App 
Style Guide
Styling my app's messy, bold, and bloody themes was a challenge, but I grabbing the elements and creating the complete style guide offered a comprehensive look at all the hard work. Here i was able to incorporate all the elements that define my app's look and feel, while presenting it as an easily-navigable guideline for developers/designers to follow.
Project Critique- Peer Reviews
This was a helpful and interesting exercise- my peers that reviewed my app are internationally located, and neither was very familiar with Anthony Bourdain or his work, but contributed some great insight.
COOK- An Anthony Bourdain Recipe App

COOK- An Anthony Bourdain Recipe App

This was an adventure! Here is my designs for an Anthony Bourdain Recipe App! Most people are familiar with Bourdain’s writing, travel, and eatin Leer más
