Nafanua 2016, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Top: The blood moon, signaling the birth of Nafanua, the Samoan goddess (fafine akua) of love and war. 
Above: The tohu of Nafanua, the Samoan goddess (fafine akua) of love and war.
Pasifika Bat Signal while the kids dance to 'Tui e'

Large scale projections, costume design and production, photography, producer.
Collaborative performance project with Malia Patea-Taylor (music, dance), Izzy Te Rauna (costumes).
Te ‘Au o Tagaloa 2017, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Gisborne, New Zealand.
The rising of Nafanua, the Samoan goddess (fafine akua) of love and war, with responsive bat dance by Papa Villiamu. 

Large scale projections, costume design and production, photography, producer.
Collaborative performance project with Malia Patea-Taylor (music, dance), Izzy Te Rauna (costumes)
Tautua Pasifika Performance

Tautua Pasifika Performance

Collaborative Performance Projects celebrating Matariki 2016 & 2017
