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Striders Running Store Rebrand

        The image above is a re-brand of the Striders logo. The contrast in the logo is seen in the shapes of the logo. Each shape has a different color and size in order to place emphasis on the individual triangle. I placed the biggest shape on the left hand side to give stability to the image. The middle shape is the smallest to add contrast in the logo. The right outer shape is bigger than the middle shape and smaller than the left outer shape, to create balance between the biggest and smallest shapes. The shapes are moving from left to right, which creates a forward moving notion. 
          The colors in the logo are orange, blue, and red. Orange creates a sense of confidence and friendliness. Blue instills a sense of trust and strength. And the red causes a sense of excitement and movement. Each of these colors express the characteristics of the Striders brand and employees. 
          Repetition is seen in the shapes of the logo. The logo is made up of three different sized triangles. There is repetition in the alignment of the triangles. Every point of the shapes are centered and aligned in order to keep the flow of the logo. The alignment of the text is centered under the logo, creating a balanced look. The relationship between the image and the text is unifying, as the space between the two are close together. The text includes open letters, which alludes the concept of being active and moving freely. 
         The two images above are the Striders business card - front and back. The Striders brand includes a serif and sans serif font. Consistency is seen in the text as the serif font is used above the sans serif font in each section of information. There is contrast between the serif and sans serif fonts. The serif font adds bolder elements to the business card and gives the vital information, whereas the sans serif font isn't bold and includes the secondary information. 
          The color in the business card adds several components of contrast and repetition. I included two of the three Striders brand colors on the front and back of the business card. On the front is the orange which is placed to the back of the name and title - most important information. On the back I used the blue to emphasize the QR code and the Striders socials. I kept the background white in order to use the element of the faded logo at the bottom of the business card front. 
          Repetition is seen in the Sritders colors and in the use of the logo. The logo is placed in three areas along the card - a small logo in the top left corner on the front, a large faded logo on the bottom of the front, and in a large centered logo on the back. 
          The alignment of the text and logos were strategically placed to maintain consistency. All of the vital text (contact information and socials) was placed on the right side of both the front and back of the business card. The logos were placed more toward the left side of the front and back. The big logo on the back balances out the blue section to the right. I placed the QR code to the top right so that it would create flow, as the heavy QR code sits on top of the socials. 

          This image is the Striders letterhead without text. Contrast is seen in the text by using both the serif and sans serif fonts; serif font is used above the sans serif font. The Stirders color blue is used in a small, defined line at the top of the letterhead in order to create contrast between the logo and contact information, and the white space. 
          The letterhead had element of repetition in the use of the logo. A small logo was placed at the top left and a faded logo was placed at the bottom. I wanted to keep the font for the socials consistent across each piece of collateral, so I used the sans serif font for the socials on the letterhead and the business card. 
          Alignment in the letterhead was used to create balance. The top of the letterhead includes the logo on the left side and the contact information on the right side; those elements at the top of the letterhead balance each other out. The spacing of the text was strategically used to put emphasis on each section of contact information. 
          The placement of the blue line at the top of the letterhead was used to define and seclude the elements above it. The socials were placed at the bottom left of the letterhead to balance out the text at the top right of the letterhead. The placement of the faced logo at the bottom of the letterhead maintains consistency with the other pieces of collateral. 
          This image is the Striders envelope. The main element of contrast is seen in the top left corner, with the logo and address. The blue that is placed under the text, mirrors the logo to the left of the blue. Both the logo and the text balance each other out. The colors of the text create contrast as well. The text in the top left corner is white, which is emphasized by the blue underneath it. The text in the center is black, which is heavily emphasized by the white in the background. 
          Repetition is seen in the use of the serif fonts for both the returning and sending addresses. The use of the logo at the top left corner, repeats itself at the bottom left of the envelope. The alignment is standard for an envelope, with text placed in the top left corner and text placed in the center. Again, the placement of the large faded logo at the bottom, maintains consistency across all pieces of Striders collateral. 
          The two images above are the Facebook header and profile for Sriders. The Facebook header is the photo of a person running down a road. The photo reflects the why statement of the Striders re-brand which is, "We believe in the journey." The photo depicts the journey of not only running or being active, but also the journey of all aspects of life. The Facebook profile is the Striders logo, which is also used in the Twitter profile to maintain consistency. 
The two images above are the Twitter header and profile for Striders. The Twitter header is the photo of a person running down a road. The why statement for Striders re-brand is, "We believe in the journey." The journey in this photo reflects the journey of reaching one's potential. The photo depicts the unseen parts of the journey. The Twitter profile is the Striders logo, which is also used in the Facebook profile to maintain consistency. 
Striders Running Store Rebrand

Striders Running Store Rebrand


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